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Cornelius Bodhimaya Portrait

Cornelius O’Shaughnessy

Meditation & Mindfulness

Cornelius is a founder of Bodhimaya and an experienced meditation, stress management and Eastern philosophy expert. He has studied Eastern approaches to the mind for nearly 20 years and is one of only a handful of people to fully understand the therapeutic application of Eastern Philosophy and meditation.

Cornelius' approach offers a logical and highly effective approach to the mind which focuses on helping people explore and resolve issues, find clarity, manage stress more effectively, increase confidence and develop a wiser and more relaxed approach to life.

Cornelius offers personal consultations and meditation as part of our Bodhimaya Urban Retreat programme, as well as individual consultations.

To book an appointment with Cornelius O’Shaughnessy, email or call +44 (0) 20 7333 7064