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EMS Training

Discover EMS (electro-muscle-stimulation) training at The Lanesborough Club & Spa, presented in partnership with Vive Fitness using the latest Miha Bodytec technology.
EMS Training

We are happy to offer members, hotel guests and visitors personalised EMS (electro muscle stimulation) training in partnership with Vive Fitness.

With one to two 20 minute trainer-led EMS sessions each week, you can expect to see substantial improvements to your health, muscle tone and overall fitness. Whether you're looking to tone and lean up, increase your strength or resolve lingering back pain, EMS will deliver.

Following an introductory training appointment lasting 50 minutes, training appointments are 30 minutes in duration. Individual appointments £150 Block of 10 sessions £1,350

Members can log in to book personal training packages, or can discuss programmes with the fitness team at any time.

Electro Muscle Stimulation

EMS reduces the amount of time you need to commit to training each week, ideal for those with busy lifestyles. Decades of scientific research have demonstrated that combining EMS with exercise will enhance your fitness results.

Lanesborough Vive Fitness
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Lanesborough Vive Fitness 3

Vive Fitness was founded by Fraser Smith, an expert within the fitness industry for over 15 years. His vision is to offer a whole-body time-efficient fitness solution enhanced by the technology of EMS (electro-muscle-stimulation). Fraser and his teams’ invaluable experience and expertise ensures each of your Vive sessions will be engineered to maximise your results.

Fraser has a BSc (Hns) Sport & Exercise Science and MSc Nutrition, and worked in Premier League & International football as a Strength Conditioning Coach & Sports Nutritionist. This has ensured that Vive’s foundation and attention to detail is unmatched in the industry. Our tailored and creative approach has proved highly successful in helping our members achieve their health & fitness goals – with member achievements ranging from rowing the Atlantic and climbing mountains, to strengthening up, improving posture and losing those few unwanted kilograms.